We actually hit a point in June where science law environment topped the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Google and national media outlets, even though EPA is the source of the rule materials we were writing about. – Doug Steding, Miller Nash Graham & Dunn

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logov5The LexBlog Network is a growing media hub for legal and professional blogs worldwide.


We feature curated* content published on the LexBlog platform on LXBN.com for additional exposure to industry thought leaders, press and visitors. Top blog posts are spotlighted daily on the homepage, practice area channel pages and tag pages devoted to specific

Producing consistently high-quality legal blog content can be challenging but is exactly what will give you a competitive edge to rise above the rest.

Blogging enables me to share what I know in a way that’s far more immediate and far more effective than your basic press release. – William Marler, Marler Clark LLP
